Erik Fredriksen is a versatile Music Technologist. These are projects were Erik created a technological structure for art, both collaborative and otherwise.
Solenoid StructureThis instrument, the Solenoid Structure, was created with a 3D printed structure, 8 solenoids wired into an Arduino, plastic tubing and bottles. The solenoids were programmed and sequenced using an Arduino 2 Max patch within Ableton Live.
4615 TheaterErik has been sound designing and composing for 4615 Theater since its inception in 2013. Many of their shows involve complex speaker systems; The Duchess of Malfi involved an audience moving throughout a house to witness different scenes, which involved speakers throughout multiple floors and an outside patio, all wired to a central point. All shows are run using QLab.
wAnder Around and Kill thingsThis Term Project for 15-112, Fundamentals of Programming, is a turn based came coded entirely in Python, using both original sprites (character art) and sprites from old Final Fantasy Games. It is 1 player against an A. I. where the turns are decided by the speed values for each character, resulting in faster characters moving more often than others.